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I know this isn't the list for this, but I'm having some issues with a sendmail config. I'm trying to configure sendmail to forward *all* mail (incoming or outgoing) on a specific box to a different box (a mail server) but everything I've tried has the following debug output:

send to 419d4ab8=spierson99@hotmail.com:
               mailer 3 (nullclient), host `paladin.srn.com'
               user `spierson99', ruser `<null>'
               next=41667338, alias 0, uid 0, gid 0
               owner=(none), home="(none)", fullname="(none)"
               orcpt="(none)", statmta=(none), status=(none)
               specificity=0, statdate=Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969

or a slightly different output, but the results are always the same:

spierson99@hotmail.com...User unknown

Would anybody here give me a hand with this? Please respond to me privately to keep the list clean.

Dave Wiard                           dave@srn.com
Software Research Northwest, Inc.    http://www.srn.com
Phone: (206) 463-3030

The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

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