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Re: How much free space does apt need in /var?

On Mon, Apr 10, 2000 at 07:33:27PM -0600, montefin wrote:
> Hi,
> First the question: how much free space in /var do you think I need for
> apt-get upgrades?

it depends, how many packages are installed, and how many of those are
being upgraded, and how many packages you might install in the future.
one of my systems i have lots of packages installed and
/var/cache/apt/archives is over 600MB, another system has less stuff
installed and has 250MB

> I ask because:
> On my first try with apt-get, I got :
> E: Sorry, you don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives
> I have a small disk, only 814 Mb, so /var got only 50 Mb. and only 13 Mb
> of /var are currently free. It is all Debian and the current install

try apt-get autoclean and if that is not enough, try apt-get clean.
autoclean just removes obsolete .debs, clean removes all .debs from
/var/cache/apt/archives if you still don't have enough space, and
don't have another partition with more free space then /var to symlink
/var/cache/apt to then i think i'd have to say your screwed here.  get
a CD find an NFS mount or get another disk.


Ethan Benson

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