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Re: The Windows key

Eric Hagglund <eahagglun@yahoo.com> writes:
EH> What is the procedure or where may I find the
EH> procedure for mapping the windows key to pop up the
EH> the start menu on the X-windows desktop? Also, does
EH> this procedure vary with the Window Manager being used?


I use a pc104 keyboard, so the Windoze key has an X keysym, as does
the Menu key.  When I was using fvwm2, I had set my main menu to pop
up whenever I pressed the latter, by putting

        Key Menu A A Popup "Utilities"

in my .fvwm2rc file.  (This doesn't seem to have propagated when I
switched over to using the Debian fvwm setup; I'd add to
~/.fvwm/post.hook the line

        Key Menu A A Popup "/Debian"

to do the trick instead.)

Note that X will default to using the Windows key as a "meta" key in
this situation, which means it's an extra modifier you have
available.  (Or, more likely, Emacs will want to use it for
everything, and you get your Alt key for gratuitous things.)  I like
binding window-manager keys to it; if Windoze=Meta and Alt=Alt, then I
have Alt-(direction key) change virtual desktops, among other things.

David Maze             dmaze@mit.edu          http://www.mit.edu/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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