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Re: Rename files

> On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 03:57:14PM +0100, Robert Kasunic wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > I'm trying to rename a lot of files. I just want to substitute underlines
> > with whitespaces. How can I do that?
> You might use mmv.
> If your files are:  foo_bars
> then use	   mmv "*_*" '#1\ #2'	(quotes required)
uhmmmm ... i think, that the \ in '#1\ #2' should not be there.
it's intended to quote the space, but as it is already quoted within "'",
it will be taken literally. if you don't quote the "#1 #2", then the
backslash would be required, but then you also would have to quote the #s.
so possible quotings are:
"#1 #2"		(here we can have shell-expansion of variables ($))
'#1 #2' 	(here everything is taken literally => in this case the same))
\#1\ \#2
or (a bit weird :-)  '#'1' #'2
all of them work.


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