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Re: dip obsolete in potato?

In article <[🔎] nhxwvn67hq4.fsf@sasg955.sandia.gov> you wrote:
> Jaye Inabnit ke6sls <ke6sls@snowcrest.net> writes:
>> I just read the latest news (debian.org) on potato. Seems that whoever takes
>> care of DIP hasn't be responding to the "bug horizon" request and was dropped
>> from the project/package.  I need DIP too for other reasons, so I hope that
>> the person can be found!
>> http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/current/issue/
> Thanks for the link Jaye.
> It's too bad that it's orphaned but I imagine the number of people
> still using it is pretty small. Just have to install it myself, from
> source, and put it in my /usr/local hierarchy I suppose, if I can.
> Thanks again for the explanation.

It's still in unstable/net.  I haven't read up on this one but
there are several packages that have been removed from frozen
(and more threatened with removal) because of release critical
bugs that weren't being looked at.  I guess the release manager
has few weapons at his disposal to try and get some action.

It's too bad that it's called unstable -- maybe development or
something similar would be better.  I've found unstable to be
very solid, at least if you wait a few days after major/critical
packages have been added to the distro.


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