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Preferred nntp daemon/server?

I'd be interested in suggestions for configuring a lightweight,
periodic-updating news server for my home Debian box.

I'm currently using leafnode and am finding both extensive problems
(doesn't work, doesn't get articles, doesn't get groups, skips news
servers), and minimal assistance (few troubleshooting guidelines in the
documentation, little in the way of Usenet archives relating to my
probme (at least in English!), no response to debian-user and svlug
mailing list queries, or news.software.nntp Usenet queries.  Posts I do
find suggest that the program is prone to bugs and silent failures.

So:  is there a preferred Usenet configuration for Debian?  Is Leafnode
recommneded, or are there more commonly (and successfully) deployed
servers?  I'm finding information on cnews, newsx, inn, and nntp.  Which
(if any) of these are people using?

Leafnode is very cool in concept -- only articles from groups currently
being read are downloaded.  In practice, results are less impressive.

Karsten M. Self (kmself@ix.netcom.com)
    What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?

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