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Re: wu-ftpd fails CRC checks

>looks like the drive is having problems, i dont think the ftpd would(or
>could) cause such errors, try moving the file to another disk and
>transferring again.  run md5sum on the local file then run it again after
>the remote site downloads it and compare the 2.
>if they are the same then the original file is curropted.

Ok I removed the suspect drive
scsi0 /
scsi1 /usr   <=========== suspect drive
scsi2-3   linear    /home

now  ---- moved all scsi1 into scsi0 /usr
scsi0 /
scsi2-3 linear home

Doing md5sum results:
This is the client, I know this files is good
/home/amccool$ md5sum winamp25e_full.exe 
1a8cc2cddc56fbffef748cb83903913d  winamp25e_full.exe

This is the suscpect FTP server
/home/amccool$ md5sum winamp25e_full.exe 
057748fecb0b918eda5dc3df0ebf4a1d  winamp25e_full.exe

VERY different sums........

Any thoughts?

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