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Re: UPS monitoring packages?

> Thus spake Shaul Karl (shaulk@israsrv.net.il):
> > Can you point out what UPS monitoring package you are using?
> > Can you compare it to other alternatives? 
> Network UPS Tools (was smart-ups tools).
> http://www.exploits.org/nut/

Is that debianized? The link there only leads to a .deb that is not up to date, and the author of that deb told me Luca Filipozzi <lfilipoz@emyr.net> has taken the task. However Luca Filipozzi <lfilipoz@emyr.net> did not answer my email.
Shaul Karl		 		   shaulk@israsrv.net.il
	An elephant is a mouse with an operating system.

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