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mandb, man, manpath question

I am trying to understand how man works.  I have a mixed slink/potato
system. It seems to me that potato puts the manpages in /usr/share/man. So
I added /usr/share/man in /etc/manpath.conf and also in ~/.bash_profile
(the latter apparently causes "man" to ignore /etc/manpath.conf).

After installing a few potato packages the manpages of some of them are
not available although they are there.

For example

dir /usr/share/man/man1
addr2line.1.gz       gcc.1.gz             localedef.1.gz
ar.1.gz              gcov.1.gz            nlmconv.1.gz
as.1.gz              getent.1.gz          nm.1.gz
c++.1.gz             glib-config.1.gz     nodelist2lbdb.1.gz
c++filt.1.gz         gprof.1.gz           noweb2lyx.1.gz
c89.1.gz             gtk-config.1.gz      objcopy.1.gz
cdbdump.1.gz         iconv.1.gz           objdump.1.gz
cdbget.1.gz          lbdb-fetchaddr.1.gz  ranlib.1.gz
cdbmake.1.gz         lbdbq.1.gz           reLyX.1.gz
cdbstats.1.gz        ld.1.gz              readelf.1.gz
cdbtest.1.gz         ldd.1.gz             size.1.gz
cpp.1.gz             less.1.gz            strings.1.gz
dviprint.1.gz        lessecho.1.gz        strip.1.gz
egcc.1.gz            lessfile.1.gz        tzconfig.1.gz
fluid.1.gz           lesskey.1.gz         tzselect.1.gz
g++.1.gz             lesspipe.1.gz        zdump.1.gz
gasp.1.gz            locale.1.gz
jhspies-09:37:56-~$man dviprint
No manual entry for dviprint

$MANPATH set, ignoring /etc/manpath.config

I can type man cpp, man fluid and so on and it works.  But dviprint and
several other just give the message "No manual antry for **".

How can I fix that.



Johann Spies,Windsorlaan 19, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, South Africa        
Tel/Faks 033-346-1310 Sel/Cell 082-255-2388
     "For by him were all things created, that are in  
      heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, 
      whether they be thrones, or dominions, or  
      principalities, or powers; all things were created by 
      him, and for him."         Colossians 1:16 

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