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Re: What is the name of the Debian text-based logon with swirl logo?

On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 02:22:01PM -0800, aphro wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, Phillip Deackes wrote:
> gsmh >I used to have a Debian test-based logon screen with a red swirl logo on
> gsmh >the left composed of ASCII characters. I can't for the life of me
> gsmh >remember the name of the package to re-install it. I have searched
> gsmh >www.debian.org with all manner of words -boot, debian-boot and so on but
> gsmh >I can't find it.
> I *think* the developers modified the linuxlogo program to have a debian
> logo in it, check into that.

Okay, after apt-getting source linuxlogo, I made the following changes
to get the swirl to be built. I don't know if this is the correct way to
do it, but it works.

1) In the linuxlogo-3.0.2 directory, edit the defaults.h file, changing
   '#include "debian/ascii_penguin.h"' to 
   '#include "debian/ascii_debian.h"' and
   '#include "debian/penguin.h"' to
   '#include "debian/debian.h"'

2) Edit both debian/ascii_debian.h and debian/debian.h changing
   'const char *vendor_ascii_logo[]' to 'const char *ascii_logo[]' or
   'const char *vendor_color_logo[]' to 'const char *color_logo[]'
   (It won't build otherwise!)

3) debian/rules binary

4) dpkg -i ../linuxlogo*.deb

5) Put linuxlogo on hold, so it isn't updated in the future.

I didn't figure out how the *vendor_ thingy was supposed to work. The
linuxlogo.c file doesn't have a handler for it. So I dropped the original
penguin (which looks kinda cruddy anyway) for the debian swirl and the
banner versions. I think the whole thing would work better if it just
read the logos from files rather than being built into the binary. Then
it'd be a simple matter to create new logos without rebuilding the
binary. It'd just need a couple option switches --ascii <path_to_ascii>,
and --ansi <path_to_ansi>.  

| Eric G. Miller                        egm2@jps.net |
| GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/gpg.asc  |

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