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Re: FBI's find_ddos

i'll tell ya i trust the FBI a lot more for binaries then most other
people's binaries.  i have no doubt that if the FBI distributed some kind
of backdoored binary or something similar there would be hell to pay for
them.  the fbi finally replied to my mail said they forwarded it on to
their technical dept, and they'll contact me again.


On 10 Feb 2000, John Hasler wrote:

john >aphro writes:
john >> anyways theres some new tool out from the FBI that is supposed to track
john >> to see if you got any DoS daemons installed on your machines.
john >
john >> and although im 99.99999% sure i have none i figured i'd try itout to see
john >> what all it does.
john >
john >You actually ran a binary distributed by the FBI?  You did a complete
john >reinstall afterward, I hope.
john >-- 
john >John Hasler
john >john@dhh.gt.org
john >Dancing Horse Hill
john >Elmwood, Wisconsin
john >
john >
john >-- 
john >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe debian-user-request@lists.debian.org < /dev/null
john >

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