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Re: is there a way to see a log of whatever is happening inside the x-window?

joseph de los santos <jhou@info.com.ph> writes:
joseph> I was wondering if there was some sort of a way to see what
joseph> x-windows is doing because whenever I try to do some things
joseph> like click on settings or utilities etc, nothing is happening.

If you started X with 'startx', error messages will probably come up
in the same place you ran that command from (try switching virtual
consoles with Ctrl+Alt+F1...7 to find your login console and your X
display again).  If you started X via xdm or some other display
manager (e.g. you had a graphical login), errors are probably in a
file called '.xsession-errors' in your home directory.

David Maze             dmaze@mit.edu          http://donut.mit.edu/dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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