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Re: Cannot mount all CDs

you cannot mount a music cd, it kjust doesnt work :) just tell the cd
player to play directly from the drive (e.g. /dev/cdrom or /dev/scd0


On Sun, 23 Jan 2000, David J. Kanter wrote:

djkant >This is odd: I can only mount some of the CDs I've put into my CD-ROM. Why?
djkant >
djkant >I've tried 4 CDs: three music CDs and one Quake 3 CD. The Quake CD and one
djkant >music CD (which, incidentally, has some Windows videos on it) mount fine.
djkant >The other music CDs give me this error when mounting:
djkant >
djkant >milwaukee:/home/david# mount /dev/cdrom 
djkant >mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom,
djkant >       or too many mounted file systems
djkant >
djkant >What gives? The default mount type is iso9660---could that be the problem?
djkant >Are not all CDs iso9660s? I've noticed that when I close the CD tray on the
djkant >working CDs, there is a little spin-up that's absent on the CDs that won't
djkant >mount. 
djkant >
djkant >Thanks.
djkant >-- 
djkant >David J. Kanter
djkant >djkanter@nwu.edu
djkant >
djkant >
djkant >-- 
djkant >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe debian-user-request@lists.debian.org < /dev/null
djkant >

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