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Re: I've got sound!

can you let me know what you think of those drivers? one of my friends has
a vortex2 and doesnt want to pay for OSS.. (hes on suse 6.3)


On Sun, 23 Jan 2000, David J. Kanter wrote:

djkant >After many months wallowing because of my Aureal Vortex 2 chipset, I finally
djkant >downloaded Aureal's Linux drivers, recompiled the latest kernel, and viola:
djkant >I've finally got sound in Linux!
djkant >
djkant >Sorry for an essentially pointless post, but I'm so excited. Now I can
djkant >probably use my Quake III Windows CD in Linux.
djkant >-- 
djkant >David J. Kanter
djkant >djkanter@nwu.edu
djkant >
djkant >
djkant >-- 
djkant >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe debian-user-request@lists.debian.org < /dev/null
djkant >

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