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/usr/include/bsd where?

I am trying to port a game called XIcehouse to GNU/Linux, but can't find
/usr/include/bsd on my slink system. Which package installs it? (If the
answer is "none", where else can I get it?)

XIcehouse: <http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~what/icehouse/xicehouse/>

TIA muchly!

Ron H-E
Ron Hale-Evans: rwhe@apocalypse.org  ... <http://www.apocalypse.org/~rwhe/>
Center for Ludic Synergy:        <http://www.ludism.org/>
Kennexions GBG artgame:          <http://kennexions.ludism.org/>
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Positive Revolution FAQ:         <http://www.ludism.org/posrev/>

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