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Re: New to debian - adding a disk drive

this may be a bit complicated but once you get the hang of it it takes
only a minute. there may be an easier way to do this i dont know this is
how i do it.


install the new drive, make note of the configuration, if it is IDE note
that is it a master or a slave and is it on the primary or secondary
controller.  if it is SCSI note the ID of the drive.

boot linux

login as root

type fdisk /dev/XXX

where XXX = device 

for ide
/dev/hda = primary master
/dev/hdb = primary slave
/dev/hdc = secondary master
/dev/hdd = secondary slave

for SCSI

/dev/sda = SCSI disk 1
/dev/sdb = SCSI disk 2

once fdisk is up, type p to print the current partition table.  if its a
new drive it should be empty, type 'n' for new partition, then select the
type of partition you want, you probably want to add a logical
partition(so use 'l') then accept the defaults for the next 2 prompts
which asks how big the partition should be, then you should be at a new
prompt again, hit p again to show the new partition, and you should see it
there, hit 'w' to write the partition table(note the name of the

now to format the partition,

type /sbin/mke2fs /dev/XXX

where XXX is the name of the drive/partition (i.e. /dev/hdc1) -- DOUBLE

now time to make a mount point and mount it:

make a directory (preferrably in /mnt) name it anything(e.g. /mnt/stuff)

now type mount /dev/XXX /mnt/stuff

where XXX is the name of the drive/partition

now to add it to mount on boot:

edit /etc/fstab use your favorite editor, add a new line exactly like the
one for the root partition ("/") except change the mount point and
device.  like this:

/dev/hda9 /stuff ext2 defaults 0 2
/dev/hda9 /stuff ext2 defaults 0 2

if you need more info lemme know.


On Tue, 4 Jan 2000, Joseph Norris wrote:

sirron >Hello group,
sirron >
sirron >I am very new to debian (mostly redhat). I have a server that
sirron >is becoming more in need of disk spaces. I want to add 
sirron >a new hard drive. The hardware guy has added the hard drive
sirron >and I want know a step by step process to get debian to 
sirron >recognize the hard drive. To sum it up, I need help with 
sirron >the following:
sirron >
sirron >1) The steps in using fdisk and fstab under debian to add the
sirron >new drive.
sirron >2) I have the home directory on another partition and I would like
sirron >some thoughts on how best to spread /home across the two drives.
sirron >
sirron >Any help at all would be most appreciated.
sirron >
sirron >Thanks to all.
sirron >
sirron >
sirron >#Joseph Norris (Perl - what else is there?/HP3000/Linux/CGI/Msql)
sirron >print @c=map chr $_+100,(6,17,15,16,-68,-3,10,11,16,4,1,14,-68,12,1,14,8,
sirron >-68,4,-3,-1,7,1,14,-68,-26,11,15,1,12,4,-68,-22,11,14,14,5,15,-90);
sirron >
sirron >
sirron >
sirron >-- 
sirron >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe debian-user-request@lists.debian.org < /dev/null
sirron >

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