Re: kernel compiling error
>>>>> "mg" == matt garman <> writes:
mg> Hello:
mg> I'm trying to recompile Linux kernel 2.2.13 to remove the stuff
mg> I don't need and include frame buffer support (it's a waste to
mg> use 80x24 on a big monitor!).
mg> Anyway, I untar'ed the archive in /usr/src, did my
mg> configuration, then from /usr/src/linux did "make-kpkg
mg> --revision=custom.1.1 kernel_image" and the compilation dies
mg> with the following:
mg> drivers/video/video.a(vga16fb.o): In function vga16fb_set_disp':
mg> vga16fb.o(.text+0x1ed): undefined reference to fbcon_vga_planes'
mg> vga16fb.o(.text+0x1fa): undefined reference to fbcon_ega_planes'
mg> Any ideas on this?
did you type:
make-kpkg clean
before typing "make-kpkg --revision=custom ...." ?
What version of gcc are you using ? Are you using potato or slink (ie
which version of glibc) ? A bit more information about your system and
libraries would be helpful in diagnosing the problem.
Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT pathcom DOT com
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