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Re: Help with LILO, and initial install, please

On Sun, Oct 31, 1999 at 02:15:42PM -0500, Stan Brown wrote:
> 	I am trying to install the unstable distribution set on a machine that
> 	ran Debian happily for years. The only change has been the addition of
> 	a larger disk (8Gig). 
> 	It's been a long time since I installed debian, thanks to it's excelent
> 	upgrade abailty, but I need to install from scratch this time.
> 	I initally set up the disk with 3 partitions:
> 	/ (500M)
> 	   75M swap
> 	/usr remainder
> 	However I ran inot problems with filling up the / partition while using
> 	dselect to install a large number of packages. So I went back and
> 	repartioned such that the first partion was 1023M. LILO did not like
> 	this :-(
> 	So I decided to repartiton it like this.
> 	/boot (100M)
> 	  75M swap
> 	/ remainder
> 	I was able to get the install menu system to think that was OK, and
> 	install the boot blocks. Unfortunately. when I rebooted, I just goot a
> 	3FA: for a prompt. Not good.
> 	How can I best partiton this drive, so that I have enough spce for the
> 	/ partition?
> 	Is it likely t be /vat thats filling up?
convert:~# du -s /var
142752  /var

excuse, me but this is the third time whithin two days that someone asks,
how to partition a "large" disk. What about not only posting, but also
reading the archives?


        I. Reimann                       reimann@uni-muenster.de
        Inst. fuer Angew. Physik         +49 251 83-33527 (fon)
        Correnstr. 2-4                   +49 251 83-33513 (fax)
        D-48149 Muenster

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