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Re: Re: make-dpkg error

Chris Mayes (cmayes@techie.com) wrote:

> Ouch. Really?  I'd just finished compiling a kernel package (2.2.13) with no
> apparent errors when I saw this message.

I've got a 2.2.12 kernel built with gcc 2.95.x at home, and a 2.2.13
kernel built with gcc 2.95.x at work.  I haven't seen any weird problems
with either of these.

The 2.2.1[23] kernel makefiles automatically include the
-fno-strict-aliasing option to gcc, which is the only Linux/gcc problem
that I'm aware of.  (And gcc 2.95.2(?) now uses no-strict-aliasing by
default anyway.)

Greg Wooledge                    | "Truth belongs to everybody."
wooledge@kellnet.com             |   Red Hot Chili Peppers,
http://www.kellnet.com/wooledge/ |

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