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Netscape vs. ie

there was a few mails passed, i dont remember who all sent em but one of
the guys said that MS was well known to "fix" bugs and the same bugs come
back to haunt em (security bugs i.e. serious bugs, no pun intended)

heres an example, a new ie5 security problem! (oct 28 1999)


I quote ..


It seems that after applying the IFRAME ExecCommand patch from MS9-042,
IE 5.0 is again vulnerable to Georgi Guninski's cross-frame bugs.  You
can visit his page at <http://www.nat.bg/~joro/read2.html> to test.  I
tested this on 2 NTW 4.0 SP5 machines with IE 5.0 and all released
fixes.  Georgi also confirmed his test machine is vulnerable again after
this patch."

i don't mean to spark a flame war just thought it was good timing that
this bugtraq posting came out.


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