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Re: Silly question: K6-3 and Enlightenment/Gnome ?

sounds to me like some library changed or configuration changed then when
you rebooted the changes 'took effect' (cough) and that screwed E.  i've
had similar problems since i compile stuff like KDE/GNOME from sources, if
it gets outta sync somehow i may not have problems untnil the next time i


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On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Ingo Reimann wrote:

> Hi,
> just a stupid thing:
> I just introduced a K6-3 400, not overclocked, into my system, and after
> that, i only get segfaoult if i want to start enlightenment/gnome. Has
> anyone experiences with this? Normaly it should work...
> Thanks,
> ingo
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>         I. Reimann                       reimann@uni-muenster.de
>         Inst. fuer Angew. Physik         +49 251 83-33527 (fon)
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>         D-48149 Muenster
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