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Re: Help Please, potato ne2000 install problem

> 	Help please.
> 	I am trying to install from the latest unstable on a machine with a
> 	NE200 network card.
> 	During the initial boot session, I select this module, and configure
> 	networking, and am able to access the network.
> 	However after the first reboot, the network does not come up. ifconfig
> 	-a does not find the eht0 device. Atempting to load the ne module by
> 	hand at this point results in unresolved symbols.
> 	What am I doing wrong?

1) Is it a PnP NIC ?
2) Do you have entries for the NIC at /proc/ioports and /proc/interrupts ?
3) I would try the Ethernet HOWTO.
4) Hopefully someone else will be more helpful. 

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