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IPv6 on home network

I'm a total newbie to IPv6.  I have 2 Linux boxen on my home network
(connected via ppd over a null-modem cable).  My box does NAT (10.x.x.x
<-> dialup dynamic IP) for the other box's internet connections. 

Basically, I'd like to convert this "network" to IPv6, and run IPv4 over
top of that.  Eventually, I'd like to get onto the 6bone, but for now I
just want to set up an IPv6 intranet to get things working.

Anyone have any experience with any of this, or some good IPv6-newbie
links to point me to? 


"I already have all the latest software."
     -- Laura Winslow, "Family Matters"

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - dlitz@cheerful.com

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