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Re: Serial connection to windoze box


Thanks very much for your reply.
Here's the inf. It installs like a modem, so you really have to make and
start a DFUE conection.

There is some kind of (ppp?) communication if I start pppd (with options
crtscts, home:remote ip, detach (what does that mean??-I've got it from the
howtos), /dev/ttyS1) and the DFUE, but there is no successful connect.

What, BTW, are the files which determine the ip adress and netmask for the
Linux box? Or is the value I give to pppd sufficient?

Another thing:
The following command is supposed to work with Slackware (from the inf

>>Windows 95 -> Linux
This is probably the second most problematic connection. I have less
experience with this. I have only connected my copy of Linux up to the CBX,
but I have not tried a Win95 -> Lunix connection. Again, I have heard of
people performing this connection, but I do not have any advice! Please see
the technical description of the file for some hints on getting started.

Supposedly, it works fine with Slackware using the following inittab entry
to log into the first serial port:

s1:45:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 ttyS0 network

This same entry does not work at all with Debian Linux, however.

With the Slackware linux distribution, there is an entry called network
which tells agetty that what it sees is what it gets, pass everything
straight through and don't try to translate ANYTHING (no special screen
formatting characters), so the network keyword in the above statement is

Can you please tell me what this command does, how to set the IP adress with
it, and if such a thing works with debian some way??
That was a good start to a solution, I think.

Kind Regards,

Stephan Hachinger

----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Brutsche <pbrutsch@creighton.edu>
To: Stephan Hachinger <Stephan.Hachinger@gmx.de>
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 3:49 AM
Subject: Re: Serial connection to windoze box

> A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
> > I've now got the inf file, and I'm trying to use the dial-up-networking
> Could you send that file to me?
> > First of all, what protocol would you suggest? TCP/IP or IPX?
> TCP/IP - don't bother with IPX unless you're going to have anything to do
> with Novell Netware.
> > Secondly, how can I get the DFUE to send the username and password to
> > Linux box correctly?
> I don't think you do.  From the sound of things, what this does is make
> the serial port look like another network adapter, like ethernet or token
> ring, only a lot slower.
> >
> > And, how can I configure the TCP/IP adresses of the Linux box (tried
> > (...) home:remote) and what PPPD options are important furthermore?
> >
> That's a good question :)  I've never actually done Windows <-> Linux
> connectivity this way before.
> A good place to start would be the man page for pppd.  Asking in some
> networking-related newsgroups for settings that would be good for PPP
> server software might turn up some solutions. Another good place to look
> would be this address (chapter 26 of the PPP howto):
> http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/PPP-HOWTO-26.html
> >
> > I know, these all are "RTM"-questions, sorry, but please send me only
> > important tips, or links to the right howto places, if anyone knows
> > this issue.
> Actually, this isn't a RTFM subject - I've been using Linux for two years,
> and have seen it come up only four times :).
> You may also want to ask in the newsgroups comp.os.linux.misc and
> comp.os.linux.networking - I know as a fact that this question has come up
> there before.
> I've also attached a message I sent to a fellow who was in a similar
> position as you.  He ended up using the Linux box as a sort of 'terminal
> server', and using Kermit to transfer files.  If all you want to do is
> transfer files, this may be a decent alternative.
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Phil Brutsche pbrutsch@creighton.edu
> "There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
> universe. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

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