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power-shut-off... again

Managed to get this damn machine working with debian quite long time. 
Even managed to get network working (ethernet). 

'1) Suddently again, while editing a picture using SO 5.1  the power went

2) While trying to boot again it gave the normal messages like 'not
cleanly unmounted, check forced' etc. Then again sudden shut-off. This
happened three times while trying to boot. The fourth time worked and it
managed to check the partitions... Now it has been working again. 

There isn't any overclocked CPU or anything like that. 
As far as I know this thing has never happened with this machine with
I put most bios settings as defaults. APM disabled as well as all shadow
ram settings disabled. Power-button override disabled. 

Still don't know, where the problem is. Just waiting for the next

In my opinion it (shit) happens, when there is some large swapping going
The machine has got atx-boxand automatic shut-off of the power, when
shutting down windows.    

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