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What CD vendor ?

hello ,

I  have become  a unconditional user  of DEBIAN  and will not want
to change for an other  version. 
Each time that I have  tried other thing ( Suse, mandrake ) 
I have  found that there  was a void .
It is well true that when  one has tried debian for a long times
one wants no longer is in  separate.
I use it at  home on two stations and  in my enterprise for a
intranet connects has the internet.
Debian is  Great left its power and its  flexibilite,  however  in spire
its colossal number of packages it lacks  sometimes some things.
That obliges has had the complete version ( main , non-free, non-us )
out most of the salesman time distribute  solely  the official version.
I will like  has seen  your notice on retailers that  correct in prices
distrib the complete version , possibly  'unstable' and or the
additionnal packages.
Brief what is according to you the  retailers it better places for us
has  good price .

you can  answer have retailer purpose europeans and americans

Thank you advances  for your  reply

Email: tony@f5git.ampr.org           WWW: http://www.f5git.ampr.org
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