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3com905c vs Rage128: In this corner, wearing the white trunks....

Just dandy.

With the help of Heikki Vatiainen I was able to get my 3com905c
NIC working. Yea!

With the help of others on the web (names not in front of me at
the moment) I was able to get my Rage128-based video card
working. Yea!

But! Apparently the 3com905c requires a 2.0.x kernel, and won't
work with the 2.2.x version. The Rage128 video card, not being
supported yet by Xfree86, can only work with the frame buffer
method, which apparently requires a 2.2.x kernel.

You see the problem?

I can boot into a 2.0.36 system and use the network.

Or I can boot into a 2.2.9 system and use the X Window System.

But I can't use both the NIC anc X at the same time.


Any suggestions? (Besides swapping out hardware or waiting till
one or the other is properly supported.) I thought I could just
reapply the patched 3c905 driver code to the 2.2 kernel, but
nope. Apparently the driver has undergone quite a bit of change,
and I can't make heads or tails out of the new driver code; I
didn't understand the 2.0 code either, but Heikki gave me enough
info to muddle through and get it patched; but that info doesn't
apply to the new code.


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