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ostrstream question

Hi all,
I'm having some problems converting my app to run under linux.  It runs
alright under SGI, HP-UX, Solaris and WinNT, but it crashes beautifully
under linux.

Anyway, I have a member variable called journalString of type ostrstream.
I instantiate it so:
    journalString = new ostrstream();
    journalString->rdbuf()->setbuf(NULL, 50);

but when I try to use the << operator with it, it Segfaults.
Example crashes:

*journalString << ends;
*journalString << s << ' '; where s is a const char *
*journalString << name;  where name is a const char *

Am I using ostrstream wrong?  Any ideas?



You know you've landed with the wheels up when it takes full power
to taxi.
* Robert Kerr, The morphing guy.  *    368 Clyde Building, BYU       *
* rakerr@sandia.gov               *        Provo, Utah  84602        *
* Robert_Kerr@byu.edu             *      Phone: (801) 378-2029       *
* http://www.et.byu.edu/~kerrr    *      Fax: (801) 378-4449         *

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