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Re: Files: Debian-to-dos.

Some people have given a few solutions already. The best is probably to
use mtools.
Mtools is a collection of tools for using dos filesystems: mdir, mcopy,
mdel, mdeltree, mformat, mmd, mmove (any more??). ie they all have the
same name as their dos counterpart, but with an 'm' on the front.

vw@geus.DK wrote:
> Is there a way to save a linux-file to a dos-diskette in a dos-readable way?
> (Say I wanted to show you guys a config-file or something when I'm mailing
> from an NT-box, not wanting to type the whole thing, or I wanted to take a
> file from f. x. StarOffice with me to work...)
> Please don't flame a pitiful 'nix newbie. I'm really trying to learn, and I
> already love the efficiency of linux compared to my horrible WinNT box at
> work (breaks down several times a day...)
> Regards
> Vitux
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