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Re: Getting mail and browsing the web

Walter Logeman wrote:
> Web
> I have Lynx running but hitting the red urls does not work unless
> the file is local.
> Is it just a matter of configuring a file somewhere?
> Walter
It sounds like you don't have dns servers set up. Find out
your ISP's DNS servers address(es). As root, edit
The format follows:

nameserver           # This identifies your
machine locally.
nameserver 198.xxx.xxx.xxx     # This is your ISP's DNS
server ip address
nameserver 198.xxx.xxx.xxx     # ISP's backup DNS server.

Now as others have sugested, use ping and see if you can
ping by name like this:
ping www.debian.org

see if you get a reply.

dyer		padyer@infi.net

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