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Re: how to connect client xserver to networked host?

On Tue, 17 Aug 1999, Chanop Silpa-Anan wrote:

Thanks for the correction.  I should've read the SSH documentation more

Now you have me wondering how the "export DISPLAY machinename:0.0" method 
has been working between the office and home, since the firewall setup
shouldn't allow that incoming (new) X connection in.  Time to do some
testing and see what the admins missed, I guess.  Have to think about that

Nice catch, anyway, on my bad information.  I appreciate it!

> If you ssh to youre webserver machine with X11-forwarding option turned on (which is not a default ooptions on current ssh in potato ) you don't have to export display because If you do that X11 connection won't be secure anymore. ssh with create display name ie.
> DISPLAY=webservername:10.0
> display socket no 10.0 is s secure channel that ssh create.

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