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Re: Setting up Exim

Thanks for the quick response.
Yes, it seems I can mail myself. I started "mail" and sent a message to
"viggo" (my local username). It arrived promptly, and I was able to read it.
I can not, however, find any file by that name (or any file at all) in my
/home/viggo directory (using "dir" from an xterm, one the few recognizable
commands to me from way back in them DOS-days).
Fetchmail always prompts me for my password to my ISP, but seems to have
gotten the ISP's mail-account right (I typed it, but no longer take anything
for granted ;-) ). This would indicate to me that I would have to edit my
fetchmail-config-file, right?!
Oh, well, I must be basically heading in the right direction. I'll do some
manpage-reading (great facility, that is) and try to get back with more
Thanks a lot; I really appreciate it, and X is so beautiful...

Error is human; complete disaster takes a computer

> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra:	Greg Baker [SMTP:ggbaker@sfu.ca]
> Sendt:	17. august 1999 20:34
> Til:	Wichmann, Viggo
> Cc:	debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Emne:	Re: Setting up Exim
> On Tue, 17 Aug 1999 vw@geus.DK wrote:
> > Allright, maybe this is a stupid question, but I'm stuck:
> > In X, I open a xterm and type eximconfig. I supply my mailserver's id
> and
> > tell it where to put the mail (in the sole user's account: mine!). Not
> too
> > difficult, even for a newbie like me.
> > Now, when I try to get my mail, I run fetchmail (the modem flickers),
> then
> > exim, and I get an error something like no mail adresses supplied. How
> come?
> > I've set up exim at least 5 times, just to make sure, in and out of X,
> as
> > root and as user, rebooted, all to no avail.
> > What am I doing wrong? To the best of my knowledge, I am setting it up
> > exactly as the Mail-HOWTO told me.
> First, are you sure local mail is being delivered correctly?  Try opening
> up your mail program (mutt, elm, pine, xfmail, ...) and sending mail to
> your local userid (ie. I would send to 'greg' which is my accound on my
> home computer, not 'ggbaker').  If that doesn't work, your problem is with
> Exim.
> If it does work, your problem is with fetchmail.  I'm not at a computer
> with fetchmail, so take this with a grain of salt... You should have a
> file in your home directory called .fetchmailrc.  Mine looks (as I recall)
> something like:
>   poll my.pop.server
>   proto POP3
>   auth password
>   user ggbaker
>   pass mypassword
>   keep
> Have a look at the fetchmail man page.
> Does that do it?
> Greg
> -----------
> "With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
> necessarily a good idea."  --RFC-1925 

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