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Re: FAT32 to FAT16

Kim Andersen wrote:

> I have a problem, I really hope you can help me. I need to convert my
> computer back to FAT16 from FAT32. How can I do that? I have already
> formatted my harddisk (850MB), so does their exist any program, which in
> MS-DOS mode can convert my harddisk back to FAT16?

There's several applications can do that: Partition Magic for example.

Meanwhile, I think you can convert to FAT16 without that - you must have Linux and
fdisk dos program.
I don't know if it's possible to do it all on linux ...

Go to fdisk on linux and change the type partition you want to DOS >= 16bit (i think
it's this option - i'm away from a linux
 Boot your system with DOS.
 Try to format such partition. If it doesn't work try to delete such partition from
dos's fdisk program and create it again.

Hope this help.

   Nuno Carvalho

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