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Re: confusing X problem

> How old is your version of Debian? Did you install the XF86_SVGA from a
> debian package or compile it from source? 

I started from a Debian 2.0 CD, but did not install X from there.  I
pointed dselect to ftp://ftp.debian.org//pub/debian/dists/stable for
updating the stuff that installed off the CD and then adding X.  So, I
_think_ everything is up to date with dists/stable.

I have tried three XF86_SVGA binaries.  The first (3.3.2) came as a .deb
package from somewhere under dists/stable.  The other two (3.3.3, 3.3.4)
were from a .tgz file pulled from a mirror of xfree86.org

That brings to light the question of whether or not I can get away with
downloading a server binary and dropping it on top of an older version of

Also, I just noticed something about my monitor.  The specs say, "Plug and
Play: 1/2B."  I don't have a clue what that means, but could that have
anything to do with it?  It is an NEC MultiSync XV15+.  I can try it with
a different monitor if that might help, but I don't have any sort of specs
or docs on the other one, as it just says "Tangent Computer."

I hope some of this information helps bring to light whatever stupid
mistake I am making!  As always, I appreciate all of the people who take
time to help me with this.


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