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Re: Host config tool? (Re: "httpd: cannot determine local host name")

On Mon, Aug 16, 1999 at 12:51:23AM -0700, André Bell wrote:
| >you do need to how to properly setup your DNS for your machine...
| >its a pain or 5 minutes of work...
| >
| >	most distro have a config tool that asks you the
| >	machine name, ip# and domain name etc...use their tool...
| Anyone know what tool debian provides for this? I installed apache using
| dselect and it didn't prompt me for a host name or IP#.  
 bind comes with a text based configuration tool. run named-bootconf.pl
 to set up /etc/named.conf.  As far as IP, domainname, etc. see the
 files /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/host.conf.

Eric G. Miller
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