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Re: Is dpkg unique to debian?

On Sun, Aug 15, 1999 at 02:47:37PM -0700, André Bell wrote:

> I just bought QUE's "Special Edition Using Linux" and there is no mention
> of dpkg in its index or table of contents.  Bummer...

dpkg is used by Debian and a few other Debian-derived distributions.
Pretty much everyone else except Slackware use rpm.

> I've typed 'dpkg --help' and still don't understand what I need to input so
> that apache installs.

> I've installed the admin package by running boot.bat and following the
> prompts and now would like to install apache and a few other web server
> packages.  Unfortunately when signed in as root I get errors when I type
> "dpkg --install apache" and "dpkg apache" and errors with "dpkg -apache".  

dpkg operates at a much lower level than this - it's expecting to be
pointed at the .deb file containing the package(s) you wish to install.
It can't go and find the appropriate packages for you.

> I'm obviously doing something wrong. Any ideas what I need to type to
> install apache?  Deslect is supposed to be more user friendly but it seems
> deselect requires more effort to get to the item I want installed. 

You could use apt - the console front end allows you to say "apt-get
install apache" to install Apache and all its dependancies.  Within
dselect, the fastest way to find a package is to do a search for it.
Hit '/' and enter the name of the package.

Mark Brown  mailto:broonie@tardis.ed.ac.uk   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
EUFS        http://www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/societies/filmsoc/

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