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Re: X resolution problem


Are you sure you have the correct specs for your monitor's horizontal and
vertical refresh rates? If your entries are correct and you try to use a
higher resolution that execeeds the specs, the Xerver will remove the
invalid modes. If you enter values that exceed what the monitor can
handle, the Xserver will do what you tell it, but the monitor will act
strangely. The docs warn that this can severely damage your monitor
(including starting a fire if it goes too far). 

If you have the correct specs entered, then the next step is to verify
that the resolution you want to use can be done without execeeding them.
I've always done this by reading the XF86Config file and editing it if
necessary. You can find documentation at 
http://www.cc.gatech.edu/linux/LDP/. Go to the HOWTO section and look for
the XFree86 HOWTO. You may also have this in /usr/doc/HOWTO if you got
that package. If there is a way to use the config tools to do this,
perhaps someone can post it. 

Hope this is helpful.

Ernest Johanson
Web Systems Administrator
Fuller Theological Seminary

On Sat, 14 Aug 1999, Bill wrote:

> Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 14:38:29 -0400
> From: Bill <BillCooper@MailAndNews.com>
> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: X resolution problem
> Hello all,
>  I have a small problem. I've set up Slink on a very old machine that has a
> #9GXE64 S3 based PCI card. I have X working but only at the lowest possible
> resolution 640-480 using the SVGA server. If I try pushing up the resolution
> or using the S3 servers, I get the monitor going into sleep mode, a message
> that no connection could be made to the X server or out of sync message from
> the monitor. So far I have used XF86Setup and xf86configure to setup X, but I
> got no better results.
> The software and packages installed:
> Slink XFree with vga, svga and S3 servers
> monitor at Dell 828FI
> graphics card #9GXE64 PCI Mb RAM, ATT21c498 chipset and idc2061a
>  Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong or just plain give me a hand here?
> Thanks
> Bill
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