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Re: Dabian 2.9.4

Last time I looked at the LRP project's stuff, they were storing
everything on the floppy in a compressed format.  Therefore you needed to
do some extra work to get the files you're looking for to work with it. 

There was an HTML page written by one of their developers that helps you
get the modules built correctly for whatever kernel you choose.  They,
like Debian itself, have a "Stable" and an "Unstable" release.  (But
they're NOT related.)

Pay very careful attention to the document at :


It covers their special boot process using syslinx to load a kernel that
then boots itself in a ramdisk environment and copies the other tar/gz
files from the boot media to the ram disk before continuing.

The module make I mentioned above made by one of their developers is at:


... and the FAQ:


Good luck!

On Mon, 9 Aug 1999, Rino Morin wrote:

> Hi,
> I have downloaded the linux router project, i can make it work ok. but i
> cannot find the proper drivers for the 3Com file and then Kingston Card,
> could you please send me the 3c59x.o file and the Tulip.o file for
> versino 2.9.4., this would be greatly appriciated, thanks
> Rino
> -- 
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