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Re: How to boot to text mode?

*- On  9 Aug, Godric wrote about "How to boot to text mode?"
> Apologies for what may be a very simple question - but I'm new using
> Debian (migrated from Suse  which I've  had only been using for a while)
> but what file do I have to change in Debian 2.1 so that on booting I go
> straight to text mode to login rather than the graphical login? I know
> in Suse its the /etc/rc.config
> Any help appreciated thanks.

I will assume that xdm is installed and it is starting.  There are
several ways to take care of this.

1) as root:  update-rc.d -f xdm remove
   This will remove the links in /etc/rc*.d that start and stop xdm on
   boot.  If you ever want to return the the graphical login at boot as
   root execute:  update-rc.d xdm defaults 99 01
2) remove the xdm package
3) comment the line in /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers that starts with
   :0.  This will prevent xdm from managing the local display but can
   still accept connections for xdmcp logins.

If this is a single user machine I would opt for 1 or 2.  

Mechanical Engineering                              servis@purdue.edu
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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