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Re: Stupid Netscape question

Tim Heuser wrote:
> I seem to be missing libxpm.so.4 or so my system tells me when I try to run
> netscape.  While in Linux I can't download it from anywhere!  Suposedly
> there is a ver. ...so.4.8, never saw it, but I did find a few places with
> 4.7, but I couldn't figure out a way to download it.  None of the ftp
> programs seem to work at the places that have it. (Lynx dosn't work, and the
> other browser (I forgot the name of it) dosn't seem capable of downloading
> files.  Where can I get this library?
> I guess I'll need to get it with windows, mount the win drive and move it to
> linux.  This is what I did with my 1st install of netscape and maybe why it
> wouldn't work?

	If you are using the libc5 based NS, then you need the 'xpm4.7'
lib in the 'oldlibs' section of dselect's display.  Either that or
get the libc6 verison of NS thats on ftp.netscape.com. Go under
the 'unsupported' directory branch.  See my response to "Re:
netscape library dependencies?".

Ed C.

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