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Re: dual boot?

See http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/mini/Linux+NT-Loader.html

And read the installation instructions www.debian.org BEFORE commencing the

If you follow the instructions exactly from both places you will have far
less trouble.



At 01:53 AM 2/2/99 -0800, Joo Hwan Jang wrote:
>Dear whom it may concern.
>I am interest in Linux, but I don't decide yet if I choose it or not.
>So I'd like to install Linux and Windows NT 4.0 together.
>That means I want to make my computer dual bootable.
>Is it possible? If so, how?
>Please let me know.
>After considering that, I intend to order one.
>Thank you.
>A prospective user.
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