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Re: NFS mounts fail silently

On Thu, 30 Dec 1999, Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:

alisda >Ah. I just tried putting it in /etc/fstab, and doing mount as
alisda >alisdair, and it worked :-)


alisda >> if its root that is mounting it you may want tot ry the
alisda >> no_root_squash option
alisda >
alisda >I get `no such option' if I try that.

try adding

/directorytobeexported hostname_to_export_to(ro,no_root_squash)

this works for me using the nfsd, i have never tried the knfsd if that is
what you are using, see man exports for more info.(knfsd is the kernel
level nfs daemon available, but not required in 2.1/2.2/2.3 kernels)

alisda >The /etc/passwd and /etc/group files are totally different across
alisda >the two machines: e.g. the UID for alisdair on letdown is the
alisda >UID for knox on skinny. Is there a sensible way of fixing this?
alisda >Should I look into NIS?

you could do that, or just setup one user/group and add everyone to it
that needs read(or write) access..or you could just make everything 777
(make sure to make the directory on the server this before the client
mounts it.) depends what level of security you want/need.  NIS would be
good but it does not support shadow passwords, which may be an even bigger
security risk.  NIS+ supports shadow but last time i tried setting up a
NIS+ server on linux i ended up reformatting(back when glib2.1 was still
beta and no distributions included it, had to install it manually and it
didnt go to well)  NIS+ client wise for linux i read is in pretty good
condition I'd avoid NIS+ until it stabilizes anyways.  you can read up on
linux and NIS+ at:


alisda >Thanks for your help,

sure, glad to help.


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