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Re: PPP connection

Sound like you need to set your DNS servers that it'll use to resolve things.


At 10:50 AM 12/24/99 -0800, Jacob Smith wrote:

     Well I got my modem to connect to my ISP fine now.  I accomplished this
by commenting out the 'auth' line in the ect/ppp/options file as Hans had
suggested a while back.  However I cannot go to any website and I can not
ping other systems and cannot ping my system from another box.  The ISP I
connect to runs Microsoft NT 4.0 w/ service pack 5.  I am positive that all
the standard setting are good becuase I work at the ISP.  If anyone has any
idea what this is caused by that would be great.  I think that I am about 1
of a total of 5 linux user on the ISP and the only one running Debian so any
help would be awesome.

Jake Smith

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