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Re: debian-user-digest Digest V99 #2205

>>HTH -- You know you've been spending too much time
>>on the computer when your friend misdates a check,
>>and you suggest adding a "++" to fix it. 

I know I've been spending too much time on the
computer when I try to spell "goto hell" without a
space in "goto".  But that one makes a lot less sense
in the GNU/Linux Realm than it did when I was into Win
and DOS and used BASIC/VB and such.

>I have this but with PATH="$PATH:/usr/etc....."
>Should I remove the "$"? 

No.  The dollar sign needs to be there, I'm pretty
sure, if you want PATH to be recognized as a shell
variable.  Otherwise you will seriously screw things
up because bash will think that PATH is a directory
and the settings for PATH in /etc/profile will not
apply to that user.  Unless this is what you want to
happen.  I think he meant for the $ to be there but
the point he was trying to make was that you had to
'export PATH="blablabla"' rather than just

This is a bit off topic for this thread, but I'm
looking for the cheapest Celeron machine I can find
online.  I saw the bit about thelinuxstore.com's PIA
for $199 in  Linux magazine, October I believe, but on
the site they have it for $349 with no floppy or
CD-ROM drive.  I need to be able to install the drives
from my old machine but the PIA has a wierd-ass casing
that I don't think has room to accommodate addition of
internal floppy/CD-ROM drives the way a normal i386
computer would.

My current Debian box is tanked due to /*extreme*/
hardware failures.  The motherboard is so shot it
isn't even funny, the power source is having problems
too, and I don't have the manual for the machine so I
don't even know the specs.


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