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You're not going to find a whole lot of folks who feel that
default settings in a Debian distribution for mail services
are "giving Linux a bad name", but nonetheless...

Most Unix users probably don't pick up their mail with 
Netscape.  They use MTA's and MUA's as they were originally
designed and laid-out to be used and they run their own
mail servers.  You could have removed exim from the system
after installation if you didn't want that functionality.
Most of us use it (or another MTA) on a daily basis, so
it's not "wrong" to have it enabled by default.

If you didn't read any of the security stuff about your
system and then found out about it later, how does that 
make it the distribution's fault that things were running
you didn't know about?  The distribution does not claim
to protect you from yourself.  Unix never has, and never
will protect the user/admin from lack of knowledge.

Welcome to the wild world of being on a "trusted" network
with people you probably shouldn't really trust.  :)

Nate, nate@natetech.com

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