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Re: Large disks

easiest way is to copy the data over, delete the partition and re make
it.  or you can grab powerquest partition magic 4 or above.


On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:

alisda >I recently installed slink on a machine with a 15.2GB IBM harddisk
alisda >and it only recognised about 8GB of the drive.
alisda >
alisda >I went ahead and partitioned the drive normally, leaving the last
alisda >4GB for /home. Now I've upgraded to 2.2.x and potato and I want to
alisda >use the whole of the disk by extending the /home partition. How
alisda >can I do this?
alisda >-- 
alisda >alisdair mcdiarmid                           alisdair@wasters.org
alisda >[funny how everything i swore i wouldn't change is different now]
alisda >
alisda >
alisda >-- 
alisda >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe debian-user-request@lists.debian.org < /dev/null
alisda >

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