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Re: Scrollback default in terminal emulators?

be careful how big your scrollback buffer is.  once upon a time i
increased kvt's (KDE's vt based on rxvt i think) scrollback buffer to some
insane amount each kvt consumed like 40megs of memory once enough stuff
was in the buffer. ever since i stuck with the default buffer.


On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, Brian Boonstra wrote:

boonst >Hi
boonst >
boonst >	I've been spoiled by the OpenStep UI, and Terminal.app.
boonst >
boonst >	I would love to set a (large) default scrollback buffer for a decent  
boonst >terminal application -- something like rxvt or kvt.  Is my best option here  
boonst >to find and compile the appropriate sources, or does someone know of a secret  
boonst >environment variable/config file?
boonst >
boonst >
boonst >		- Brian
boonst >
boonst >
boonst >-- 
boonst >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe debian-user-request@lists.debian.org < /dev/null
boonst >

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