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LI during Lilo (normal solutions not working)


I am getting the 

LI_  (flashing _)

at boot of my newly installed slink on a dual PPro machine.

I have a 14G IBM drive in there with /dev/hda1 partitioned to 200Megs,
exactly the same as another identical drive in my normal machine (in
other words, both have /dev/hda1 sizes the same, and the drives are the
same model).

I just built kernel 2.2.1 and put it in /boot

I have been getting LI_ since I rebooted from the first install (from
CD).  I used these very CDs to install on my normal machine.

My normal machine works great (dual PIII).

I've read some comments on this, and the response comments are usually
either that lilo was not run properly to setup the boot blocks on the
drive (I've done this a few times, and it seems to be telling me what I
expect it to) or that the kernel is outside of the first 1023 cylinders.

I don't think it is either of these... what else could it be?

Some stats:

Tyan S1668 ATX Dual PPro with dual 180/512 PPros
IBM 14G drive (7200 RPM, the letter designation escapes me at this
  Drive setup as "normal" in BIOS
  DMA is disabled for now

I would really appreciate some input here, as this one has me stumped
(particularly due to the configuration of my normal machine, with
partition size and drive model identical).

Side Note:  I forgot to check the bios, and the drive was initially
setup as LBA.  I had set /dev/hda1 to "maximize" in cfdisk. I was
getting the "1EF:" error at boot (I believe that is the string...).  I
changed bios to Normal, didn't maximize that partition, and made sure it
was same as working config (re-partitioned), and reinstalled the base
system from scratch again (a 10 minute ordeal, luckily).  This is where
I am left.

Thanks for any help

Dan Hugo

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