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Re: Startup scripts

>>>>> "B" == Brad  <lists@anomie.dhis.org> writes:
    B> You should create a startup script in /etc/init.d, either named
    B> after your daemon or named after the service it provides. In either
    B> case, it might be wise to prefix or suffix "local" to help prevent
    B> any Debian packages from overwriting it. /etc/init.d/skeleton can
    B> serve as a good template.

    B> You'd then use the update-rc.d command it insert symlinks in the
    B> proper runlevels. Since you seem to want it running in any runlevel,
    B> "update-rc.d <init.d_filename> defaults" should do it (where
    B> <init.d_filename> is the filename from the paragraph above). See the
    B> manpage for more info.

Thanks for pointing out /etc/init.d/skeleton to me. I was just about to
reply to Aphro's earlier email asking where to find an example of a startup

Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT interlog DOT com

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