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Re: I suspect the kernel: `ping', and name resolution in general, hangs

On Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 11:58:02AM -0700, Eric Hanchrow wrote:

> For what it's worth: I installed the 2.2.12 kernel on my working slink
> installation (which has never had the problem), rebooted, and promptly
> saw name resolution hang.  I restored the 2.0.36 kernel, and
> everything worked again.

Weird. Have you (i) straced a process (like ping) which is trying to do name
resolution, to make sure it's not getting any error returns from syscalls
which it's failing to report, (ii) done a tcpdump to see what's actually
going out onto the wire? If you've got a box doing NAT on your segment,
tcpdump from the far side of that too? Where is the DNS server you're trying
to talk to? I'm wondering if the source address / port on the DNS requests
is the problem..

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